
Welcome to the Old Stone Dock Association

Old Stone Dock, Falmouth, MA

The mission of the Old Stone Dock Association is to promote a sense of community for residents in the neighborhood of Main Street to Shore Street to Surf Drive to Mill Road and all the streets and residences within those boundaries. The Association will work with the Town of Falmouth officials towards improvements in the areas of beautification, traffic movement, beach utilization maintenance, road maintenance, and, in general, the welfare of all residents. The Association will endeavor to create a community spirit by encouraging all residents to participate through programs that promote unity based upon a common interest.

Member Events

  • Annual Meeting & Summer Social
  • Annual Beach Clean Up
  • Annual Holiday Party

Recent News

06-01-24 Email to membership

06/01/24    Hello OSDA Members, Neighbors and Friends I hope this note finds you well and you are enjoying the warmer weather.  We are in the process of reviewing, updating and reducing the size of our email mailings.  This is the last mailing that will go to over 400 present and past members.  After the renewal process, we anticipate removing [...]

June 3rd, 2024|

04-23-24 Surf Drive Beach Coastal Resiliency Presentation

On Tuesday, 04/23/24 Barbara Schneider PhD, chairman of the Falmouth beach committee, introduced a discussion by the Woods Hole Group consultants regarding the status of the Surf Drive beach from Shore Street to the Trunk River. This area of the beach was the subject of an intensive study by the Woods Hole Group released in 2020. As many of [...]

May 1st, 2024|

Save the Date for 2024 Upcoming Events

05/24/24   Flowers at the bath house will be installed before Memorial Day 06/08/24   Saturday - Annual Beach Clean-Up, (Rain Date Sunday 06/09/24) 07/24/24   Wednesday - Annual Beach Worker Breakfast 08/11/24   Sunday - Annual Meeting & Summer Social Booked at Flying Bridge 12/08/24   Sunday - Annual Parade & Holiday Party, to be confirmed

April 25th, 2024|

OSDA Neighborhood Around Surf Drive Beach, Oct 2023 to Apr 2024

It was a rough winter at Surf Drive Beach.  Rain storms, heavy winds and astronomical high tides caused damage to the shoreline, dunes beach house and picnic area.  Rocks have been exposed.  In December 2023 the pipe (hose) that that is used for dredging washed up on shore and is still there in April 2024. October 2023      [...]

April 25th, 2024|

12-03-23 OSDA Holiday Party

On Sunday, 12/03/23 100 plus OSDA Members signed up for the Annual ‘After the Parade’ Holiday Party.  Due to rain, OSDA members did not walk in the parade.   To get things started our President Jay Thayer welcomed all.  Jay thanked our hosts Dorrie and Greg Ketterer for their hospitality and for allowing us to hold the party at [...]

April 25th, 2024|

08-16-23 Membership Stats & Directory

MEMBERSHIP: The current OSDA Membership year runs from 06/01/23 through 05/31/24.  A committee including Terry Saunders, Steve Saunders, Bob Lehtinen, Cindy Lehtinen, Laura Puopolo, Paul Smith and Anne Prior folded, stuffed, affixed labels and postage late April 2023. Membership renewal letters and the Presidents May 2023 letter was sent to 294 members and past members on 05/01/23.  Our membership [...]

August 16th, 2023|

08-16-23 Beach Committee Summit to be held on 08-24-23 at the Falmouth Main Library

Hopefully many of you will attend the upcoming summit that was brought to our attention at the Annual Meeting and Summer Social on Sunday, 08/13/23 by Barb Schneider, the Beach Committee Chair. I found this on line and copied and pasted from the Falmouth Enterprise (without permission 😇).  Summit Will Discuss Future Of Falmouth's Beaches,   By GILDA GEIST, Falmouth [...]

August 16th, 2023|

07-26-23 Annual Beach Worker Appreciation Breakfast

The Old Stone Dock Association held their Annual Beach Worker Appreciation Breakfast on Wednesday, 07/26/23 at the Ellen T Mitchell Bath House.  The committee consisted of Terry Saunders, Polly Thayer, Jay Thayer and Steve Saunders.  On the morning of the event the committee was assisted by OSDA members Laura Puopolo, Scott Puopolo and Jack Driscoll. Approximately 70 [...]

August 16th, 2023|

Annual Meeting and Summer Social is being planned for Sunday, 08-13-23

Featured picture is registration table from previous year. 07/13/23 - We are pleased to let you know that the Annual Meeting and Summer Social is being planned now.  It will be held on Sunday, August 13, 2023 upstairs at the Flying Bridge Restaurant at 220 Scranton Ave, Falmouth.  This is a great opportunity to catch up with old friends, [...]

July 13th, 2023|

Annual Beach Worker Appreciation Breakfast to be held 07-26-23

The featured picture is last years crew. The OSDA will prepare and sponsor the annual beach worker appreciation breakfast at the Ellen T Mitchell Bathhouse on Wednesday, 07/26/23.  It is a time to gather and show these employees how much they are appreciated.  Last year we served over 80 employees bagels, muffins, yogurt, fruit and beverages before they headed [...]

July 13th, 2023|

06-10-23 OSDA Members Cleanup at Surf Drive Beach

Featured Picture.  Beach Cleanup Crew on Saturday, 06/10/13.  Seated L to R Cleanup Committee Co-Chair. Terry Saunders, Rocco Maffei, Cindy Lehtinen and Cleanup Committee Co-Chair Carole Mendoza.  Standing L to R Joanne Skudder, Paul Skudder, Al Leary, Ed Jackson, Louise Mitchell, Steve Saunders, Heather Rafey & Grandson, Steve Saunders, Bob Lehtinen, Jay Thayer, Heather Sullivan, Dean Sullivan, Pat Albanese.  [...]

July 13th, 2023|

05-24-23 Flower Boxes Installed at Surf Drive Beach in Memory of Richard Prior

The featured picture is a presentation of the check from the Old Stone Dock Association to Assistant Beach Superintendent Brooke Macmillan. Pictured L to R:  Board Member Steve Saunders, Treasurer Bob Lehtinen, Assistant Beach Superintendent Brooke McMillan, President Jay Thayer. Board of Director Steve Saunders purchased the flowers at the Ellen T Mitchell Bathhouse from Soares Nursery in East [...]

July 13th, 2023|

12-19-22 Coyotes – Preventing Conflicts and Eliminating Shelter – Story from Mass.gov

Article from https://www.mass.gov/service-details/prevent-conflicts-with-coyotes Prevent conflicts with coyotes Coyotes can thrive close to humans in a variety of habitats. Make your property less attractive to coyotes by following these tips. Feeding coyotes - Keep wildlife wild! Never deliberately provide food for coyotes to attract them to your property. Feeding, whether direct or indirect, can cause coyotes to act tame and may lead [...]

December 19th, 2022|

10-14-22 Memorial bench for founding member Jim Crossen unveiled

A memorial bench in the making.  Steps taken and those who helped along the way.  Thanks to all who made this a very special event. FEBRUARY & MARCH 2022 • Past president Kevin Doyle started initial research on the cost to purchase a new memorial bench from town approved provider O’Brien and Sons in Medway who is the New [...]

October 28th, 2022|

07-26-22 Beach Staff Appreciation Breakfast

On Tuesday, 07/26/22 the Old Stone Dock Association sponsored the Annual Beach Staff Appreciation Breakfast at the Ellen T Mitchell Bathhouse.  This was an opportunity for all of us to thank the beach employees including management, supervisors, clerks, life guards, parking attendants and others for the excellent work they did this past summer. We provided bagels, breads, pastries, iced [...]

October 5th, 2022|

07-10-22 NEEE Falmouth Triathlon at Surf Drive Beach

On Sunday 07/10/22 New England Endurance Events held their 2022 Falmouth Triathlon.  Their crew started setup on 07/09/22 Saturday afternoon.  Saturday evening the parking lot was full of bike racks and the lot and evidence of the triathlon was completely gone Sunday morning after the event. Ten OSDA members assisted NEEE with Traffic Control at the top of Mill, [...]

July 18th, 2022|

06-11-22 OSDA Presentation of Check and Members & Guests clean up Surf Drive Beach area

The flower boxes at the Ellen T Mitchell Administrative Building were prepared by M. R. Soares in East Falmouth and were picked up and installed by Board Member Steve Saunders on May 25, 2022.  A check in the amount of $732.60 from the Old Stone Dock Association payable to the Town of Falmouth for the Beach Donation Account was [...]

July 18th, 2022|

05-2022 Letter to Membership mailed on 04-30-22

May 2022 Hello Neighbor and Greetings from the Old Stone Dock Association! I hope that this letter finds you safe and well. 2021 was a year which saw a gradual and cautious return to many of the routines and behaviors that we have become used to in our families and our Falmouth community. The Old Stone Dock Association plans [...]

May 2nd, 2022|

08-22-21 Membership Recap

On May 1, 2021 membership renewal letters and a recap of the year’s activities were sent to current members and other past members who remained on our mailing list but had not paid in recent years.  As of August 28, 2021 the OSDA membership is at 229 members.  This breaks down to 215 renewals and 14 new members.  Each week [...]

August 23rd, 2021|

08-22-21 Surf Drive Beach after Tropical Storm Henri

Sunday, August 22, 2021.   Feature picture taken while watching Channel 7 news Sunday morning live from Surf Drive Beach. A few pictures of Surf Drive Beach after Tropical Storm Henri. Pics were taken at 3:15 pm several hours after high tide and when the winds had somewhat subsided.  The surf was hitting the low concrete wall at the bottom of [...]

August 22nd, 2021|

08-07-21 OSDA Tuition Assistance 2021-2022

On Monday, July 12, 2021 Tuition Assistance Committee Members Carole Mendoza, Peter Cahill and Terry Saunders met to review the applications received.  The OSDA was pleased to present a check for $500 to each of the following 3 worthy applicants.  The OSDA wishes all the best to these three students as they continue their higher education.  Their parents and [...]

August 22nd, 2021|

07-27-21 Beach Employee Appreciation Breakfast

On Tuesday, July 27, 2021 the OSDA sponsored a breakfast at the Ellen T Mitchell Bathhouse on Surf Drive Beach.  Board of Director Anne Prior organized the event and purchased beverages and breakfast items again this year.  It was started to thank the life guards, parking attendants and administrative staff for all their hard work and dedication to the [...]

August 22nd, 2021|

06-10-21 E-mail from OSD President Jay Thayer to Members

Hello Neighbor - Greetings from the Old Stone Dock Association, I hope that this note finds you healthy and preparing for a fun-filled summer in Falmouth. A lot has changed from this time last year. Most of our wishes to safely emerge from the pandemic are being realized and lives are returning to a more recognizable normalcy. There are a [...]

June 26th, 2021|

06-05-21 OSDA Members Clean up Surf Drive Beach and the Roadway in the Neighborhood

On June 5, 2021 OSDA members gathered at the Ellen T Mitchell Administrative Building for their annual beach and roadway clean up and membership promotion.  Old Stone Dock Members, Cindy Lehtinen, Terry Saunders and Steve Saunders manned the table and explained to those who passed by what their members were doing and had handouts, membership applications and the new [...]

June 26th, 2021|

05-25-21 Flower Boxes installed at the Ellen T Mitchell Bath House

Steve Saunders, Board Member of the Old Stone Dock Association arranged for the 16 flower boxes to be installed on Tuesday, 05/25/21 at the Ellen T Mitchell Bath House at Surf Drive Beach. They were purchased at M. R. Soares Flower Garden Nursery, 1021 Sandwich Road, East Falmouth. The picture shows OSDA Treasurer Bob Lehtinen [...]

June 26th, 2021|

03-04-21 Pics around Surf Drive Beach – January and February 2021

Hello OSD Members and Friends -  It's been a long winter.  A few pictures follow that were taken in January and February 2021. On Friday, 01/29/21 there was a story and picture of a woman on the front page of the Falmouth Enterprise who frequently (possibly daily) takes a dip in the ocean (Surf Drive Beach) as part of [...]

March 4th, 2021|
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