06/01/24    Hello OSDA Members, Neighbors and Friends

I hope this note finds you well and you are enjoying the warmer weather.  We are in the process of reviewing, updating and reducing the size of our email mailings.  This is the last mailing that will go to over 400 present and past members.  After the renewal process, we anticipate removing 100 to 150+ past members with the next email blast.  If you want to be sure that you are notified of current ‘happenings’ in the neighborhood, please be sure to renew your membership now if you have not already done so.  Last year we had 225 ~ paid member families.  Thank you to the 144 that have returned your dues thus far thru last week.

Membership Renewal Notices were mailed on 04/30/24 to approximately 300 current and past members. Please support the OSDA by renewing your membership for 06/01/24 to 05/31/25.  We’ve attached the membership letter, renewal notice and a survey form asking for your participation in order to keep this association moving forward.  Please complete the forms and return now with your check for $25.00.  We thank you in advance for your support of the neighborhood association.

The Annual Surf Drive Beach Cleanup will be held this coming Saturday, 06/08/24.  Rain date Sunday, 06/09/24.  We will gather at 9:30 a.m. to socialize with our members and meet up with the invited beach committee members and beach staff.  Before we head out at 10:00 am we will take a photo of all the volunteers and we will present a check payable to the Beach Donation Account to either Beach Superintendent Maggie Clayton or Assistant Beach Superintendent Brooke McMillan.  This is your opportunity to converse with others who are interested in the condition of the Falmouth Beaches.  We’ll have water and snacks for our crew and OSDA logo wear for sale.  We will concentrate cleaning around the parking lot, the Ellen T Mitchell Bathhouse and the roadways nearby.  If you plan to participate but have not RSVP’d yet, please do so now by replying to all (will go to the President and Terry Saunders who monitors the ‘info’ email account) so we will know who and how many to expect.  The following have signed up:  Ed Jackson, Bill Lee, Anne Marie Lee, Greg Mills, Pat O’Connell, Steve Saunders, Terry Saunders, Rick Sherman, Paul Smith, Dean Sullivan.

The Beach House Flower Boxes  at the Ellen T. Mitchell Bath House were placed on 05/22/24 by Board Member Steve Saunders in time for the Memorial Day weekend. The flowers will be watered by Steve until the bathhouse is staffed for the summer.  This year we had two major donors that provided funds for the flower boxes.  They are the Creighton / Huber Family and the Crocco Family.  The plaques recognizing their family members were installed today.

Tuition Assistance is available to children and grandchildren of Old Stone Dock Association members who will be freshmen at a 2 or 4 year college in the 2024 Fall semester.  Members must be paid up and current with their 2024/2025 dues.  The quantity and amount of funds provided annually will be determined by the Board of Directors and recipients will be selected by the committee.  The Tuition Assistance Application is attached and can be opened on the OSD website (oldstonedock.com) as a fillable PDF form, saved and printed from your PC. Applications must be mailed to OSDA-Tuition Assistance, P.O. Box 835, Falmouth, MA  02541 and be postmarked by June 23rd.

Old Stone Dock Association Information is always available on the website at oldstonedock.com which is updated by board member Terry Saunders.  Old Stone Dock logo wear is available by texting Steve Saunders at 508-930-8272. This includes, t-shirts and sweatshirts in both men’s and women’s sizes, vests, caps, winter hats, tote bags and note cards.  Logo wear will also be available at the beach cleanup this coming Saturday.   We accept cash or checks payable to OSDA.


Your Old Stone Dock Association Board of Directors