Old Stone Dock Members, Van Smick, Pat Keck, Rich Worob, Jay Thayer, Polly Thayer, Steve Saunders and Terry Saunders as well as Lawrence-Lynch Corp employee Ken King participated in the Falmouth Big Fix held on Saturday, 09-16-17. The event was organized by the Housing Assistance Corporation (HAC).

The mission of the event is to help income-eligible senior citizens, veterans and disabled people with small home and yard projects. Three hundred volunteers worked on 18 homes. Everyone met at the Lawrence School and were organized in teams. Breakfast was provided and opening remarks were made.

Our group of 31 went to our assigned home at 9:00 a.m. Work was done both in and outside the house. Van and Rich painted and Polly tiled inside the home. Pat, Jay, Steve and Terry worked outside the home where a substantial amount of shrubs and trees were removed. The day started out overcast but the full sun was out before we finished up for the day around 1:00 p.m.

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