The Old Stone Dock Association participated in Falmouth Preservation Alliance’s “Preservation Expo” on the grounds of Museums on the Green, Palmer Avenue, Falmouth, from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, May 20, 2017. This event was designed to serve the renovation, restoration and repair needs of Cape Cod homeowners by offering displays, information and Q&A opportunities with local business owners, service providers and preservation specialists.

Members Pat Keck, Terry Saunders and Rebecca Bevilacqua manned the table in the morning and members Madeleine Marken, Terry Saunders and Rebecca Bevilacqua took the afternoon shift.   As visitors came by they explained the mission of the OSDA and described the community events that took place this past year within the OSD neighborhood and in particular Surf Drive beach including Life Guard Appreciation Breakfast, beach cleanup and cleaning of the monuments.

Also in attendance was Artist Karen Rinaldo who was representing the Falmouth Preservation Alliance.  They were introducing the second in a series of many Heritage Maps.  The first one was of Falmouth Village which included the OSD neighborhoods and the current one is of Woods Hole and Quissett.  Maps are available for $2.00 each from many locations including the Falmouth Chamber of Commerce.

Sharing a table with the Preservation Alliance was Mark Schmidt, Executive Director of the Falmouth Museums on the Green.

Michael Kasparian, CEO of the Chamber, is a Certified Antiques Appraiser. He offered free appraisals for the first item per attendee and $10 for the second item. It was a hometown version of Antiques Roadshow. ®


Pat Keck, Rebecca Bevilacqua and Terry Saunders manned the OSD Table at the Falmouth Preservation Alliance Expo on 05-20-17

Pat Keck, Rebecca Bevilacqua and Terry Saunders manned the OSD Table at the Falmouth Preservation Alliance Expo on 05-20-17

Madeleine Marken and Rebecca  manned the OSD Table at the Falmouth Preservation Alliance Expo on 05-20-17

Madeleine Marken and Rebecca manned the OSD Table at the Falmouth Preservation Alliance Expo on 05-20-17

Mark Schmidt, Falmouth Museum on the Green Executive Director and Artist Karen Rinaldo representing Falmouth Preservation Alliance

Mark Schmidt, Falmouth Museum on the Green Executive Director and Artist Karen Rinaldo representing Falmouth Preservation Alliance

Michael Kasparian, CEO of the Falmouth Chamber of Commerce is also a Certified Antiques Appraiser.  Seen here checking out an item at the Falmouth Preservation Alliance Expo on 05-20-17.

Michael Kasparian, CEO of the Falmouth Chamber of Commerce is also a Certified Antiques Appraiser. Seen here checking out an item at the Falmouth Preservation Alliance Expo on 05-20-17.