Hello Neighbor ~ Greetings from the Old Stone Dock Association,

After a brief Spring, Summer now appears close at hand and the Surf Drive Beach will be enjoyed by many of us once again. I wanted to make you aware of several upcoming events and activities being organized by the Old Stone Dock Association (OSDA).

The OSDA Annual Beach Clean-up and Presentation of 2018 Beach House Flower Boxes on Surf Drive Beach will be held on Saturday, June 2, 2018 from 10:00 a.m. to noon.  Rain date is Sunday, June 3, 2018.   This year’s flowers will be donated by Jay & Polly Thayer.  Protect yourself by wearing long pants, shirts with sleeves, sunblock and use garden gloves.  We’ll have a membership promotion table and registration by the Ellen T Mitchell Bathhouse where refreshments will be provided and OSDA logo wear will be available for sale.  We will also be gathering for a light lunch afterwards so we will need a headcount. If you are able to lend a hand, please RSVP to info@oldstonedock.com so we will know who to expect.

Dues Renewal Notices are being mailed this week to 300+ new, current and past members.  Please support the OSDA by remitting your dues of $25.00 per family now to P. O. Box 835, Falmouth, MA  02541 for the current year of 06/01/18 to 05/31/19.  The membership renewal form can also be found on our website at oldstonedock.com if that is more convenient for you. We thank you in advance for participating in the neighborhood association and allowing us to pass along items and information which may be of interest to you and your neighbors.

Tuition Assistance Applications are available to children and grandchildren of Old Stone Dock Association members who will be freshmen at a 2 year or a 4 year college in September 2018.  Members must be paid up and current with their 2018/2019 dues.  Applications will be accepted between May 1, 2018 and June 30, 2018.  The quantity and amount of scholarships provided annually will be determined by the Board of Directors and recipients will be selected by the committee.  The Tuition Assistance Application can be opened on the OSD website (oldstonedock.com) as a fillable PDF form, saved and printed from your PC.  A copy is also attached to this email if you would like to print it and fill it in by hand.  Applications must be mailed to OSDA-Tuition Assistance, P.O. Box 835, Falmouth, MA  02541 and be postmarked by June 30, 2018.

Website Information is always available at oldstonedock.com. Director Terry Saunders does a fantastic job updating the website with events and activities that are going on with the Association and documenting many of our events with photographs.  She also welcomes any information you offer for the enjoyment of all.

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself as the new Old Stone Dock Association President. My name is Jay Thayer and I took over for Kevin Doyle earlier this year. My wife Polly and I live at 255 Walker Street and have enjoyed Falmouth and our neighborhood since 2011. I plan to carry on Kevin’s tradition of keeping the membership informed of relevant issues in the Town and the neighborhood and I hope to see you at one of our events this year.



  1. Beach clean – Please RSVP to info@oldstonedock.com to let us know if you will join us.
  2. Dues renewal – notices and newsletters were mailed to 337 current and prior members on Saturday, 05/19/18.  Please return your renewal form and $25 annual dues upon receipt.
  3. Tuition assistance – Applications may be remitted now.