To commemorate and honor the Old Stone Dock Bicentennial celebration this year, we approached key administrators and faculty of the Falmouth School System to see if they would be interested in OSD board members delivering educational presentations to their students about the history of the Old Stone Dock and its important impact on the development and growth of Falmouth during the 18th and 19th centuries. The Dock was then the center of commerce for the growing town.

Our offer was enthusiastically embraced by several departments: Sonia Tellier-Assistant Superintendent, Jane Baker-Art Department, Lauren Kenny-English Department, and Michael Feeney-History Department.  In April, OSD president Kevin Doyle delivered a power point presentation to 100 students and faculty (see prior story).  Days later, OSD board member and past president, Jim Fox presented to art students at the site of the dock to teach Dock history.  In early May, OSD vice president, Dan Braun met with English freshman honor students followed up with a final beach presentation by Kevin Doyle in June to history students.  We think all the students were impressed to learn that Surf Beach is not just a place for summer fun but is also a vital part of Falmouth and Massachusetts history.

Article provided by Dan Braun

04-2017 Jim Fox Presentation to Falmouth Students

04-2017 Jim Fox Presentation to Falmouth Students

06-09-17 Kevin Doyle presentation to students

06-09-17 Kevin Doyle presentation to students