It is through the generosity of our members and local community that we are able to present tuition assistance awards each year.  We had one applicant this year and we were pleased to present a check to her for $500 at our monthly board meeting held on Tuesday, August 13th 2019 to assist her with her college education.

Ms. Georgia Gans resides on Shore Street with her parents and members Mary & Marvin Gans.  Georgia graduated from Falmouth High School with a 3.87 GPA and will be attending Smith College in Northampton, Mass with an Economics Major.  Georgia has two sisters that also attended Smith College.

Georgia was on the honor roll every year in high school and was Secretary of the National Honor Society in 2018.   She has been a chemistry and math tutor and has volunteered for Best Buddies and the Falmouth Road Race.  She stated in her essay “I have never shied away from taking difficult courses or making difficult decisions.  I am very interested in all manner of social issues that affect all of us and want to explore that in college as well.”

We wish Georgia all the best.